
Applications are now closed.

The Vancouver Division of Family Practice once again offered our community family practice clinics a financial grant to support ideas to improve your clinic operations and to build your networks. Our objective was to encourage as many clinics as possible to access the grants for projects that make meaningful differences to clinic and staff.
Clinics could receive $1,800 to a maximum of $5,400 in total based on number of family physician Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) per clinic.

Clinics received an invitation to participate in this year’s program and participation in the Clinic Grant program was as easy as 1, 2, 3… 

Clinic Project Ideas

Clinic Grants may be used to enhance aspects of your PMH or further your PCN connections. The ideas for using your grant are unlimited.

Looking for some ideas to help you get started?

New this year – Featured Projects!

Why choose a Featured Project?

Other Project Ideas

As food for thought, below are some project ideas. These are by no means the only eligible projects, and we encourage you to submit a request based on what’s most important for your clinic.

Primary Care Network Enhancement ideas:

Patient Medical Home Improvement ideas:

General improvements:

For additional project ideas, read reporting from previous Clinic Grants and member stories (sign in required).


Program Details

Project Phase Time Estimate Description
1. Project Planning 1 – 30 minutes Already have a project in mind? Need help with a project idea? Planning your project should take no more than 30 minutes. Featured projects – Clinics who choose a Featured Project are invited to attend our upcoming, 1 hour, Town Hall. Clinics may engage in further networking after the event and with their peers as needed.
2. Submit your Application 15 – 30 minutes The Vancouver Division will send your custom application form. To complete the application all you need to do is provide FP hours worked in your clinic, your project details and expected outcomes. We are committed to ensuring your projects are approved. Initial funding is remitted on successful submission of your application. Applications are due by November 18, 2023.
3. Run your Project Project dependent We encourage clinics to hire support where possible to assist in completing their projects. Clinics have up to 4 months to complete their projects. The project due date is February 29, 2024.
4. End of Project Report 30 minutes End of project reports will be sent to you on February 29, 2024. Complete your end of project report by March 15, 2024 to receive your final funding.

Grant parameters at a glance:

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated November 20, 2023

What’s the purpose of the grant?

The Vancouver Division of Family Practice (VDOFP) is proud to offer our community family practice clinics a one-time financial grant to support your ideas to improve your Patient Medical Home practices and to build your Primary Care Networks. Our objective is to encourage as many clinics as possible to access the grants for a project that will make a meaningful difference to your clinic and staff.

Which clinics are eligible?

The clinic grant program is available to Vancouver PMHs with family doctors providing primary care to patients in the community, and not in a care facility (e.g. hospital facility). 


How much grant funding can each clinic receive?

Grant amounts are funded based on the number of physician* full-time equivalent (FTE) at a clinic. Clinics with:

For example, if your clinic has 2 full-time physicians and 3 physicians that see patients half-time, the clinic is eligible for $3,600 (2 + 1.5 FTEs = 3.5 FTEs).

* Funding is based on Family Physicians working in the clinic (not specialists, NPs, allied health, etc.)


Vancouver Division reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change grant amounts.

Is grant funding taxable?

Grant monies are considered income for accounting and taxation purposes.

It is important that you consider your clinic structure to allow you to match grant income and expenses appropriately for your circumstances.

The Vancouver Division issues T4A’s for all individual income. Corporations are not issued T4A’s. You will be asked to confirm whether grant funding is to be disbursed to an individual or a corporation following approval of your grant application.

Clinics are advised to seek accounting advice if they have any further questions.

Can multiple clinics partner on a project?

Yes. Clinics may work together on a joint project the positively benefits each clinic. Each clinic will be awarded the grant based on the number of physicians working at each clinic, up to $5,400 per clinic. Only one Clinic Owner or Clinic Manager needs to submit the grant request on behalf of all clinics involved.

Can multiple physicians in a clinic submit different grant applications?

No. The application is for the entire clinic (or group of clinics). A single application can include multiple ideas that all support the improvement of Patient Medical Homes and building Primary Care Networks.


Each clinic, or group of clinics may request one grant for a project of its choice. We encourage Clinic Owners and Clinic Managers representing an individual clinic (or representing a group of clinics) to apply on behalf of the entire clinic.

How do I apply? And when do I apply?

Applications are now closed.

This year the Vancouver Division is aiming to make the application process for clinics even easier. Each clinic will be sent a customized application form. 
The application deadline for this year was November 18, 2023.

What types of projects will the grant fund?

The grant is to encourage clinics to invest in practice support and networking, two things that clinics may have been unable to work on given the impact of COVID-19 and the primary care crisis.
Clinic grants can be used for a variety of improvements. 

View our Clinic Project Ideas section for further information.

Can the grants be used towards the purchase of computers?

Many clinics use the grant to improve their operations through technology. Grants can be used towards the purchase of computer hardware that is not attached to clinical equipment. This would include clinic computers used by physicians and staff.

Grants cannot be awarded for purchase of clinical equipment or computer hardware to provide direct patient care, or where other funding already exists. Please see the FAQ item on Exclusions.

Are there any exclusions?

Grants cannot be awarded for purchase of clinical equipment or computers to provide direct patient care, or where other funding already exists:

When will the grant money be awarded?

Clinics will receive 80% of the funds shortly after project approval, and the remaining 20% of the funds at project completion.

How long do I have to complete my project?

Projects must be completed by February 29, 2024 providing clinics up to four (4) months to achieve their desired outcomes.

How do I receive the remaining 20% of the grant funding?

A clinic (or group of clinics) will receive the remaining 20% of project funds upon project completion. We will send you a template to provide a brief update on your project, after which you will receive the remaining funding.

Will the grant cover ongoing costs associated with the projects?

No. The grant will cover the clinic’s initial project costs, and it is the clinic’s responsibility to pay for any ongoing costs beyond the initial project.

Additional Support

Looking for more support?

If you have any questions or comments about this program, please contact your Community Network Manager (CNM) or email pcn@vancouverdivision.com.

We look forward to your project ideas.