PCN 1 Featured Provider: Dr. Alireza Hootkani

Dr. Alireza Hootkani

Dr. Alireza Hootkani works at Alberni Medical Clinic in PCN 1, a full service primary care clinic which offers walk-in service as well as Telehealth, Botox and Skin Care, services for Women & Children and international patients. More recently, the clinic has opened a Primary Orthopedic Care & Sport Clinic which provides consultation and nonsurgical management for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as sprains and strains, ligament injuries, fractures, dislocations, tendon injuries, and arthritis by referral for GP consultation. The clinic offers different types of injections including corticosteroid (cortisone), Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP), and Hyaluronic Acid injections.

Dr. Hootkani has been working as a physician since 1997. He is a board-certified member of Canadian College of Family Physicians, a licentiate of Medical Council of Canada, and full-licensed member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Besides being a general practitioner, he completed orthopaedic surgery residency in Iran and obtained the first rank in the Iranian Orthopedic national board exam in 2003. Since then, he has practiced as an orthopaedic surgeon in Iran for 10 years. Dr. Hootkani had the first rank during all undergraduate and postgraduate training in Iran. He also completed Family Medicine residency in Manitoba. Dr. Hootkani is happy to see patients with different musculoskeletal conditions and sport medicine. He has access to view x-rays, MRI, and other images from public hospitals and different private imaging centres.

Click here to view the clinic’s website and find out more about the Primary Orthopedic Care & Sport Clinic.