PCN 3 Featured Provider: Dr. Panagiotis (Taki) Galanopoulos

“Dr. G”, as many of his patients know him by, is the owner and lead physician at Blue Water Medical Clinic in the Renfrew Collingwood neighborhood of PCN 3. Originally from Vancouver, Dr. G. completed his medical education in the United States, where he also worked as a chief medical officer of a federally qualified health center. This role allowed him to work closely with medical doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants all within a primary care and mental health network.  

Dr. Taki Galanopoulos

Dr. G. returned to Canada in 2015 and in 2017 he started Blue Water Medical as a solo practitioner. He now has grown his clinic to include 5 primary care providers, as well as a PCN Registered Nurse. A firm believer in team based care, Dr. G.  jumped on the opportunity to invite two of his former NP students into his clinic as full time practitioners as part of the PCN.

  ” I truly believe that both NPs and MDs can work side by side fostering a supportive network of healthcare professionals with the common goal of great patient care.”  

A teaching clinic, Blue Water Medical also offers learning and practicum opportunities for residents and student NPs.  

“It gives me great joy in teaching my medical residents and nurse practitioner learners at the clinic. Seeing them synthesize all their academic learnings to direct patient care scenarios and watching them occastionally have the “a-HA” moment is fullfillilng as a clinical educator. They add energy to the clinic and I do believe that all my patients benefit from their eagerness to learn and serve. The two NPs at our clinic currently were former students of mine and are fantastic providers to their patients.” 

Dr. G. hopes to continue to be able to provide the best care to his patients by supporting interdisciplinary, team-based care and a healthy, happy patient medical home.